The Signs of the Women’s March – Monterey CA 1-21-17

Marty CohenCalifornia, March, Monterey, U.S.15 Comments

Below is a slide show of images I made of many of the great signs participants were carrying. It starts automatically. Make sure the height of your browser window is as tall as possible. Tablets and phones should be held vertically.

Monterey Women's March Monterey, CA January 21, 2017

On Saturday, January 21, 2017 there were over 600 Women’s Marches around the world. In Monterey, we participated in our local march where close to 1,000 people were marching. There were many children with their mothers and grandmothers and the range of ages was from infancy to the 80’s and 90’s.

There was so much energy at the march and rally located at the CSUMB campus. We’ve been pretty depressed over the past week, but being with so many people who were ready to fight for the rights of all women was so energizing we began to feel hope that we can be part of the process to restore our country through positive action to fight for the rights of all the people..

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15 Comments on “The Signs of the Women’s March – Monterey CA 1-21-17”

  1. I’m so glad you got these pictures. Friday was a pretty dark day but Saturday was a beautiful sight! So many women, men and children came out in our small town, across the country and around the world — including family and friends in San Francisco, LA, San Luis Obispo, DC, Austin, Seattle and Tucson — standing up for love, truth, equality, dignity, justice and respect for EVERYONE. I think my mom and your mom were with us in spirit!

  2. We share your funk and are so grateful for your photos that bring hope in the midst of what has happened.
    Marty and Penny

    1. Thanks Penny. It’s sure so different from 8 years ago when we got to have fun being in Kenya and seeing how excited the people there were to have Barack elected.

  3. Powerful as well as uplifting in this terrible time in our country. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos.

  4. Marty – you caught all of my favorites! What a beautiful documentation of an amazing event! I’m sharing it. Loved seeing you and Cathleen there.

  5. Great shots of words from people who have concerns, deep respect and sense of responsibility for their fellow human beings, no matter who they voted for. Yesterday was a great day of voices around the country and around the world.

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