Marty CohenCalifornia, Carmel Valley, Carmel Valley Ranch, Trees7 Comments

  Ok, this post isn’t really about the poisonous nut that falls from the Native California Buckeye trees around where we live. It’s about how I tried to photograph the Lunar Eclipse last night and was thwarted by the fog. Yesterday afternoon, I set up my tripod, Canon 6D camera, telephoto lens and cable release in preparation. My plan was … Read More

Fork-Tailed Bush Katydid

Marty CohenCarmel Valley, Carmel Valley Ranch, insects7 Comments

This is an iPhone 6 photograph of this beautifully green colored Fork-Tailed Bush Katydid, Scudderia cuneata (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). They are a similar species to the short-horned grasshopper and are widespread in the eastern and southeastern United States. They’re also found in California, Maine and Texas. They are native to the U.S. They resemble grasshoppers but their rear legs are long … Read More

The Wind is the Artist

Marty CohenB+W, Morocco, Sand Dunes, Sculpture14 Comments

Among the amazing things in the Sahara Desert are the sand dunes and the patterns sculpted into the sand by the winds. From day to day, these patterns shift position and change as a result of the winds from the previous day and night. This image was captured at sunset in the Moroccan Sahara Desert. The sculpture had changed by … Read More

Harvest Super Moon 9-8-14

Marty CohenCarmel Valley, Carmel Valley Ranch, Moonrise18 Comments

This Monday night we had a Super Moon that was also a Harvest Moon.  I drove down to an area of Carmel Valley Ranch that had a good view of the mountains in the more distant valley over which the moon would rise.  When the moon is closer to the horizon it has a yellow-orange glow to it which gradually disappears as … Read More